Tami Sorenson Gaupp

Love’s the GO of God! Able to sit and ponder life while soaring in His greatest. Tami has practiced following God through the seasons of her life: childhood, finding her mate, raising a family, empty nest, widowhood, and invisible illness. And in every season she discovered provisions of hope, grace, and even joy, waiting for her by the best Gift-Giver of all.


Dick Sorenson

By age 20, Dick had planted 2 new churches and began a lifestyle—his lifetime commitment—to follow and trust the Lord in full-time ministry. It’s through this wealth of experience that he shares. Through relational training and counseling, God uses Him to bring wholeness and restoration to others so they can fully embrace who they are in Christ. His passion is to prepare and urge people to step out in the call God has for them.


Rick Sorenson

Creativity drove Rick to learn drawing and painting at a young age, beginning in middle school and high school. He pursued art in college and attended art school in Beverly, Massachusetts. He graduated from Monserrat College of Art with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. In addition to teaching classes on art and creativity, his passion is to teach art’s spiritual nature, how to interact with the art world, and helping others address hidden fears that keep them from releasing their God-given creativity.