Crepes: Easy as 1-2-3

I just love mixing up a fresh batch of crepes! If the thought of making crepes fills you with thoughts of running to the store for fancy ingredients and following step by step instructions of a complex recipe, then think again. Made with only a few ingredients, they are as easy as 1-2-3! Then topping them off with butter and dusting them with sugar and cinnamon makes this recipe as easy as can be.

For me, crepes fall into the category of comfort food, especially since I remember my mom making them for me. We have a little humor in our family about how my Mom taught me everything I know—or maybe not. She never thought of herself as having a gift for cooking or a love for baking and yet this recipe comes from her! When I asked her if there was a story about how she learned to make crepes, I found out there was.

When my brother, Rick, was taking a French class in high school, he needed to find French food to make. That’s when Mom found this simple, 3 ingredient crepe recipe. 

When I made them for my kids, I would just butter up the crepes and let each person add their own toppings at the table. We all just liked the cinnamon and sugar but you could also use jam, fruit or syrup. I bought a shaker that I added a mixture of sugar and cinnamon to, just to make it super quick and easy for the kids to do it themselves. It has always been a family favorite!

Extra Easy Crepes: 1-2-3

1 egg

2 tablespoons of flour

3 tablespoons of milk

Cooking Directions:

Mix the egg, flour and milk together. Heat an 8 inch skillet to medium-high heat. When it’s good and hot, add butter or oil to prevent sticking and pour a thick layer of batter evenly in the pan. 

Cook about 1 minute on each side. Repeat until the batter is gone.

Serve with butter and topping of your choice. 

(recipe is for 1-serving)

Wait, there’s MORE


Here’s another version of a crepe recipe for you!

This recipe cooks up a little thicker and is heavier on the protein since it has more eggs and less liquid. Use the same cooking directions for this version as in the first recipe. It’s a great option if you are gluten or dairy free. I tried it with gluten free flour and almond milk and I hardly even noticed a difference. 

French Pancakes

6 eggs

4 tablespoons of flour

2 teaspoons of cold water

dash of salt

(makes 10-16 pancakes)

I hope they turn out for you, bringing you as much comfort and joy as they do to me and my family!