The Love of our Heavenly Father

A few days ago the Lord reminded me of a recent photograph of my grandson, Justin, and his 20 month old daughter, Taliya. The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about the Father's love.


"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases." Lamentations 2:22-23

She is so happy, enjoying her adventure with her dad; not realizing his loving watch-care over her.  Justin is so gentle with Taliya. As he takes her out into the world of new adventures, his eyes never leave her. Even when she says, “I can do it myself”, and he lets go of her hand, still hovering over her, making sure she doesn’t fall, she has no fear because he is right by her side.
What a beautiful picture this is of Father God’s love for us. When I am afraid I will trust in God. We have no reason to be afraid or spend our time worrying, He is always with us.

There was a popular song from the 1970’s, sung by Anne Murray, called, “Put Your Hand in The Hand”.  Listen to the song. 

Blessings, Donna Sorenson