To Every Mother

My time in Austin ended today. I’ve been here for a couple days short of two weeks. My folks & I helped our son and his family move by driving their dog and 2nd car down here from Boise. It’s been great to be of help to them and also very good for this mama’s heart to see where they live and help get them settled in their new home.


Letting go and releasing control of all the details of our kids lives isn’t for the weak. Being a mom is the most rewarding, exhausting and toughest job there is! From the physical energy it takes when they’re young to the emotional strength it takes to release them... it’s not a job with a fancy title or financial compensation but the investment we make into our children’s lives, with our own blood, sweat and tears, may just be the biggest impact our lives have on this earth. Sowing and building up the next generation has the potential to effect generations.

To every young mother who is in the trenches, training her children and fighting physical and mental exhaustion, you’re more valuable than you feel right now. Sometimes just clocking in and out of a job feels so much easier and rewarding, but being instrumental in building the emotional health and well-being of another human being is immeasurable. You are a priceless treasure!

To every not-so-young mother who may feel like she has been put out to pasture and is no longer needed since her children have become adults, your job has changed but it is not through. You cannot mother your kids in the same way since they’ve grown up because you have already trained them to be independent. So go ahead and pat yourself on the back, take a deep breath and release them to the Lord. He entrusted you with raising them and now you must trust Him to take care of them as you fight for them in prayer and cheer them on from the sidelines. Your value is worth more than all the riches this world could offer!



To every mother’s heart out there, whether through spiritual or emotional adoption, you are a beautiful instrument of love in the Father’s hand. The road may have been emotionally bumpy but you purposed to only hold tightly to Jesus as you intentionally released every bump, bruise and opinion to Him. May His supernatural, unconditional love shine through you and pour out His blessings in your life as you continue to care for the needs of others. You are a work of art, a beautiful tapestry of compassion, mercy and love!


Tami Gaupp with sons, Justin and Alex, two of her favorite people!!