Wait For It

Waiting is hard. It requires us to cease all of our efforts toward a goal. The act of letting our desire simmer while we give it up trying to make them happen seems counter productive.

What is Waiting?

To completely stop is what waiting is. It is releasing control. It is to rest in an area that you don’t want to release.

We can be waiting on the outside, like getting stuck at a red light when we’re in a hurry to get somewhere, and not at all internally. But if we rest our very heart and soul, and stop striving, we are blessed beyond our ability. When it’s time to wait, it produce more in us than we could ever be gained by all of our efforts to make it happen.

The funny thing I’ve experienced about waiting is when I’m finally content to be there, an inner nudge says, “What are you waiting for?” And each time I think to myself, “Really? You’ve got to be kidding me. Now?” And then I am off and running again.

Why Wait?

It’s important to know when it’s time to stop and wait. The best things in life are worth waiting for. Time in the waiting mode isn’t wasted. It allows all the necessary details to fall into place behind the scenes and lets God do what God does best—lead the way.

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength

they will mount up with wings as eagles

They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint

Teach me Lord, teach me Lord—to wait.  (Isaiah 40:31)

Recap About Waiting

  1. It’s important to know when to stop

  2. The best things in life are worth it

  3. It is not a waste of time

  4. Allows unseen things to fall into place

  5. Lets God do what He will do on our behalf

picture of wood bench with a clock on it. The Caption wait above it and the words "It's worth it!" below.
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